Making a Booking

We're here to help! Please let us know the details of the accommodation you require - by email or phone - and the ideal dates for your stay. Our number is 01986 893 201 and our email address is Please remember to include a contact telephone number if you send an email.


Quiet Waters is a small charitable trust totally dependent on income from our guests to cover all costs. We live by faith and budget responsibly (Psalm 90:17).

We do not want cost to be a barrier for guests andare immensely grateful to those generous guests who contribute more, as this generous giving supports a bursary fund which enables others with limited meansto come and seek God here at Quiet Waters.

If your situation is such that cost may be an issue, please make the team aware of this on booking as our bursary fund may help to subsidise some of the cost of your visit.


We do not usually have children as visitors as they can be a bit too noisy for our other guests seeking a quiet place to be with God. However, we can accommodate church or family groups with children if they are the only occupiers of the premises.

Pets / Animals

Assistance dogs are welcome, but please advise the team when booking. We cannot accommodate any other animals.


Single Night Stay


B & B


Room Only


Meals may then be added:

Two course cooked lunch


Packed tea


Day Guests / Meals


Retreat, tea/coffee and cooked lunch





Individuals Per Night (3 nights +)


Day Groups (per person)


Individuals On Day Retreat


Methods of Payment

Please fill out a Gift Aid form if you are a tax payer and put the payment in the envelope provided. Either hand the envelope to a member of staff or leave it on your bedroom coffee table. If you would like to pay by card, please find a member of staff.

By Card

Over the phone or in person


We very much prefer card and BACS payments to enable more efficient financial management. If you do need to pay by cheque they should be made payable to 'Quiet Waters'. 

BACS Payment

Bank: HSBC
Account: Quiet Waters Christian Retreat House
Sort Code: 40-15-15
Account Number: 41066919

Group Bookings

Residential Groups

Quiet Waters welcomes bookings from groups, and is often used by groups for weekends, mid-week breaks or away-days and Alpha days.

Full or part board is available for groups.

For groups we offer the use of:

  • Two lounge areas
  • A peaceful chapel, with the useof a keyboard and music/song books when not being used for the daily rhythm of prayer
  • Approx 2 acres of grounds, bordering the river Waveney
  • Accommodation for up to 16 in the main house, using combination of up to 9 single/double/twin rooms

And resources such as:

  • Flip chart and pens
  • CD and DVD player

Please phone us (01986 893201) to discuss your requirements - we do try to be as flexible as possible.

Day Groups

For day groups we are able to accommodate up to 20 guests.

Group Charges

For groups we charge £30 per person which includes a two course hot meal, tea/coffee and use of the house and grounds as set out above. We also have a booking/cancellation policy whereby we request a £10 non-returnable deposit per person per night at the time of booking (up to maximum of £300 per group). We also require the full payment (non-returnable) a month before the booked dates.

(Groups may like to consider arranging their own cancellation insurance).