Making a Booking
We're here to help! Please let us know the details of the accommodation you require - by email or phone - and the ideal dates for your stay. Our number is 01986 893 201 and our email address is Please remember to include a contact telephone number if you send an email.
Quiet Waters is a small charitable trust totally dependent on income from our guests to cover all costs. We live by faith and budget responsibly (Psalm 90:17).
We do not want cost to be a barrier for guests andare immensely grateful to those generous guests who contribute more, as this generous giving supports a bursary fund which enables others with limited meansto come and seek God here at Quiet Waters.
If your situation is such that cost may be an issue, please make the team aware of this on booking as our bursary fund may help to subsidise some of the cost of your visit.
We do not usually have children as visitors as they can be a bit too noisy for our other guests seeking a quiet place to be with God. However, we can accommodate church or family groups with children if they are the only occupiers of the premises.
Pets / Animals
Assistance dogs are welcome, but please advise the team when booking. We cannot accommodate any other animals.